Significant supply of ALMEX Ticket Vending Machines to Deutsche Bahn
Customer: Deutsche Bahn AG
On May 15th, 2020, a framework agreement was signed between ALMEX GmbH and Deutsche Bahn AG for the delivery of at least 500 ticket machines of the most recent, third generation.
As far back as in 1995, ALMEX already supplied Deutsche Bahn AG with 3,000 first-generation ticket machines.
In 2007, 3,500 second-generation units were supplied to Deutsche Bahn by ALMEX.
The delivery of the 500 state-of-the-art ticket vending machines is scheduled to be finalized in 2025.
Today, the requirements regarding a ticket vending machine which is ready for future, relate not only to it’s reliability and ease of use at competitive invest, but also effort modularity, utilization of state-of-the-art technology, as well as compliance with environmental targets.