Kreisverkehr Schwäbisch Hall
Driver-operated ticket sales devices in the buses of the Schwäbisch Hall roundabout including check-in / check-out eTicketing according to VDV-KA.
Short description
In close cooperation with the Schwäbisch Hall roundabout (KVSH), Germany’s first eTicket project according to the VDV-KA was implemented. With 250 ALMEX optima bus printers and ALMEX smartFare entry control systems (validators), the KVSH operates a modern and customer-friendly check-in / check-out system (CiCo). The interoperable system allows the use of eTickets across associations in Schwäbisch Hall, Heilbronn (HNV) and the Ostalbkreis (OAK).
In a further expansion of the system, an AVL / ITCS real-time system with a connection to the NVBW data hub will be introduced.
Facts and Figures:
Success Stories